Beverly Desiree Bica
San Diego, CA
If one falls in love with worldly-offerings, one wants to hold, enjoy, care for and conserve them. This is true for the artist’s vision, whether perceived or imagined. The outdoor painter quickly learns the same scene can change within minutes as with life; therefore, the artist learns to appreciate such beauty by capturing and preserving it, to simply enjoy the moment it beholds.
The challenge of painting is to balance the freedom, satisfaction and risk of a vision to skill and technique. The freedom to invent and create and express in your own unique way is ceaseless. You must have a certain amount of fearlessness to master a difficult skill. The reward that comes from investing prolonged effort is immeasurable. It is infinite! The risk of failure looms high, so painters must be valiant. Producing art demands much and expresses a great deal. Perhaps it expresses something that is uncomplicated. My essential principle to painting is to create something that satisfies the eye. This seems to be what matters most for those, such as myself, concerned with the beauty of people (inside and out) and with the outside world.
And this is why I fell in love with painting. I want to encourage others to have confidence, to try it themselves and to experience the same kind of fulfillment and contentment that I have found in expression!
About Me
I learned at an early age that personal achievement may only be attained through strength of character and individual will. This belief, along with an adventurous spirit, and faith in a loving and benevolent God, has helped me in many joyous endeavors: I fly airplanes and helicopters and jets too. I am a classically trained artist. I love to read everything and learn from others. I also love movies, dining and fine wine. Hence, I am definitely a nerd incarnate. I have been a high performance athlete most of my life and am a born entrepreneur. I truly believe that God gave us the gift of freedom to choose from a myriad of opportunities laid before us. This is His gift to us, and I am continually awed and humbled. I like to help others as I journey through life’s experiences. I believe we all need a little help from each other in a world that can be quite daunting, besides captivating. My interests lie in a driving force, providing me the inspiration to answer a myriad of calls to adventure throughout the years. I never know where the next adventure or idea will take me. I am always thrilled and amazed with the infinite possibilities. What I have learned about life is to have faith and courage to deliberately set out for one’s own unique passage, rather than acquiesce to the worn paths of accepted success. I have since retired but have fun working with philanthropic organizations, being a lifelong learner and having great conversations about anything! |